Welcome to "Mrs. Fsco's diary!"
I am Mrs. Fsco.
"Fsco" is an acronym of "living between France and Switzerland as a pure Coréenne (the French word for Korean, feminine form).
Well, the nickname sounds more like Japanese but I am a pure Korean who never lived in Europe neither dreamed about it before meeting my Franco-Swiss husband!
Every day there are so many stories that I would like to keep it in my mind and retell it to my friends and family in Korea. That's why I began my blog.
And then I discovered that one of the huge audience determining the visitor rates of my blog is my sweet husband and amazing in-law-family!
Unfortunately, google translation hasn't mastered Korean yet. I know it's a quite hard language to learn. I know... I know...
As a result, my husband and in-law-family cannot fully understand what I wrote. (It can be a good excuse to write whatever I want and keep it secret to them, though...)
It doesn't sound good for me because they are one of the people who are composing beautiful scenes in my life. They are part of my story, the main characters, and inspiration... especially while I'm here in Europe! I wanted them to know what I've discovered, learned, challenged, and where my journey is heading to. That motivated me to start the English page of my blog. It would have been better if I can write in French directly but it would be faster for google to upgrade their AI than I master French.. Funny thing is google understands the text much better from English to French than Korean to French!
My time in Switzerland and France as a pure Korean itself seems an attractive topic to write in English so that I can talk to many people about the richness of intercultural experience and marriage life.

This blog in Korean has 3 sections:
1. 살림살이 Housekeeping
1) information: useful information for Koreans to live in Switzerland or France
2) Mrs. Fsco's kitchen: some recipes with the ingredients I find here
2. 에세이 Essay
1) Winter like a spring: my first trip to Europe in 2016 December - 2017 January
2) Fsco's diary: my current journey
3) j'apprends Français: my french learning
3. 유럽사전 Dictionary about Europe
1) Switzerland: everything about Switzerland
2) France: everything about France
3) and...: everything about other European countries
In the English section, you can mainly read the essays that I'm going to translate.
Welcome to my blog once again,
and welcome to travel these strange countries having so many different types of cheese, wine, and chocolate through my Korean eyes! (I am not sleeping! My eyes are fully open!)